How to get Referrals to Grow your Trade Business

Team ServCraft
7 min read
Team ServCraft
Table of Contents
  1. 1
    How referrals can help your trade business grow
  2. 2
    1. Build strong relationships with your trade customers
  3. 3
    2. Start a referral program for your trade business
  4. 4
    3. Use your customer database for referrals
  5. 5
    4. Use social media for a wider reach
  6. 6
    5. Build partnerships for trade referrals
  7. 7
    How referrals can help your trade business grow
In South Africa’s highly competitive trade market, where customers have a range of choices at their fingertips, standing out as a trade business can be challenging.
But there’s one powerful strategy that often gets overlooked. Getting referrals from your existing customers.
When was the last time you asked for business from your existing customers? If the answer is never, then perhaps it’s time to start.
With the trade market being so crowded, you need to use innovative approaches to get more customers. Referrals are just that since they’re a genuine and powerful way to connect with potential customers.
Whilst stats in South Africa are scarce,
according to research
in the US, around 49% of shoppers rely on recommendations from family and friends when discovering new products or services and referrals are 30% more likely to convert into customers. At ServCraft we think this number is higher in South Africa since digital brands of service providers are less developed and consumers are more cautious about who they let into their houses.
In this article, we’ll explore 5 effective ways for trade businesses in South Africa to tap into the potential of referrals, helping grow their business and increasing sales.
Table of contents
1. Build strong relationships with your customers
2. Start a referral program for your business
3. Use your customer database for referrals
4. Use social media for a wider reach
5. Build partnerships for referrals
How referrals can help your trade business grow
1. Build strong relationships with your trade customers
South African trade business owners often make the mistake of assuming that satisfied customers will refer their services after the job is done. But the reality is that most customers aren’t going to spread the word without a gentle nudge. This means that it's essential for you to ask your customers for referrals.
According to research
, 83% of consumers say they are willing to refer your business after a positive experience. This statistic shows just how important it is to ask for referrals, rather than assuming that satisfied customers will tell everyone about your trade business.
Just as important is maintaining a strong relationship with your customers after the job’s done. Tools like
’s feedback feature can help you understand your strengths and areas for improvement. This is especially important here in South Africa, where many of your competitors in your trade often do an average job, so improving your trade services is a great way to set yourself apart from them.
If the feedback is positive, take the opportunity to ask for a referral with a personalised follow-up message in which you thank them for answering the survey and mention how great it was working with them.
This increases the chance of customers becoming enthusiastic promoters of your trade business.
Get started:
Not sure how to ask for referrals?
Check out this video
for some tips to ask for referrals without seeming pushy or begging.
2. Start a referral program for your trade business
What’s a referral program you ask? Referral programs are a way for trade businesses to encourage customers to refer their business to other people by using incentives.
Referrals don’t happen spontaneously. This means your trade business should treat them as deliberate parts of its sales strategy.
For trade businesses in South Africa, where word-of-mouth recommendations are especially important, a well-crafted referral program is critical.
An example of a referral program can be: "
Refer a friend, neighbour, or family member, and when that person hires our team to do a trade job, they'll receive an [incentive]. Plus, we'll reward you with [your incentive] for the next time you book a job with us!
This not only gives an incentive to your existing customers to refer your services but also attracts new clients with a special offer.
Incentives don’t need to be cash-based; they could be discounts on future services, loyalty points, or additional service perks. The key is to create a win-win situation, where both the referrer and the new client feel valued and rewarded.
It’s important that you don’t implement a referral program in isolation, but instead include it as a key part of your overall sales strategy.
When training your technicians on selling trade services, make sure that they understand the value of referrals and how to let your clients know the benefits of your referral program.
Just as important as having a referral program is promoting it. Make it visible on your website, share it on social media, and include it in your emails to customers.
By reminding your existing customers about the program, you increase the chance of them participating and referring your trade business to others.
Get started:
For a quick breakdown of how you can set up a referral program,
check out this video
3. Use your customer database for referrals
When was the last time you spoke to the customers you’ve ever done work for?
Efficiently managing your customer database is key to the success of your referral strategy.
According to
the 80-20 rule
, 80% of your work often comes from 20% of your customers. These loyal customers are not only repeat clients but also potential supporters of your trade business.
Invest in a customer database system that allows you to send personalised communications to your trade customers.
Most South African trade businesses do the job at hand and that’s it. By mentioning a customer's name in the subject line or referencing services you’ve provided previously, you show a level of attention that goes beyond transactional interactions. Remembering these small details helps to build loyal trade customers.
When you communicate with your customers, end your messages with a subtle request for referrals.
For example, you could say: "
Hey [customer name], we’re looking forward to working with you again soon, and if you have a friend needing our services, don’t hesitate to take advantage of our trade referral program!
This gentle reminder, coupled with a personalised experience, increases the chances of your customers sharing positive feedback and referrals.
Get started:
Check out this video
that compares 7 of the best customer database systems for small businesses.
4. Use social media for a wider reach
Social media platforms are valuable tools for trade businesses to let more people know about their brand and increase referrals. While you might be put off by the idea of creating content for a broader audience, trust me, the benefits outweigh any hesitations you might have.
Start by showcasing positive reviews and testimonials from satisfied customers on your social media profiles. If a customer leaves a positive review, convert it into a post.
All you have to do is copy their words, add a good-looking background image, and mention how grateful you are in the caption.
By sharing positive experiences, you look more credible to potential customers and encourage existing customers to share the post, helping you reach more people beyond your social media followers.
Studies show
that 81% of shoppers are influenced by their friends’ social media posts. Even if potential customers don't personally know the reviewer, a positive recommendation builds confidence in the quality of your trade services.
Social media is also a great way to showcase your expertise in your trade. Regularly post tips, insights, and the behind-the-scenes of your trade work. By consistently providing valuable content, you position your business as an authority in the field, making it more likely for customers to recommend your services.
This is especially true here in South Africa, where most trade businesses don’t have a strong social media presence, making it a great way for your trade businesses to stand out.
Get started:
Looking for some more tips on how to get referrals from social media?
Check out this article from LinkedIn
5. Build partnerships for trade referrals
Don’t just focus on your customers to get referrals, but build partnerships with other local businesses that complement your services; for example, if you specialise in residential trade services, collaborate with a local electrical company that often works on home projects.
When you approach potential partners make sure your offer benefits you both. This means that if they refer their clients to your trade business for certain jobs, do the same by referring your clients to them for their trade services.
This will help you generate new potential customers and as a bonus include your trade business in a network of reliable service providers.
But remember that here in South Africa your reputation as a trade business is a big deciding factor for potential customers.
So before you build any partnerships make sure that the businesses you collaborate with have the same standards of quality and reliability as your trade business or it’ll reflect badly on your business.
Get started:
For a quick breakdown of the benefits you can expect from a referral partnership,
check out this video
How referrals can help your trade business grow
For South African trade businesses looking to succeed in a competitive landscape, unleashing the potential of referrals is a game-changer.
Referrals not only bring in high-quality leads that are more likely to convert into potential customers but also build a foundation of trust and credibility that sets your business apart.
By incorporating these referral strategies into your overall business approach, you not only sell more but also build a community of satisfied customers who actively contribute to the growth of your trade business.
Team ServCraft
Table of Contents
  1. 1
    How referrals can help your trade business grow
  2. 2
    1. Build strong relationships with your trade customers
  3. 3
    2. Start a referral program for your trade business
  4. 4
    3. Use your customer database for referrals
  5. 5
    4. Use social media for a wider reach
  6. 6
    5. Build partnerships for trade referrals
  7. 7
    How referrals can help your trade business grow
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Team ServCraft